Thursday, January 7, 2010

Climate goal gains prime slot in Smart2020 Project

Offering case studies of how enterprises apply high-tech solutions to building energy efficiency, transportation, the smart grid, and other areas, the Climate Group has unveiled a project to keep the IT industry on course. The move comes close on the heels of a report that outlined mechanisms by which IT can kick start a low-carbon future.

Christened "Pathways to Scale", the project comes as a follow up to the Smart2020 report which had revealed that the IT industry can play a role in achieving global emissions reductions of as much as 15 percent by 2020, and save companies over $725 billion by improving efficiency.

According to Molly Webb, Director of Strategic Engagement at The Climate Group, “Pathways to Scale”  shows that we still have some way to go to achieving the SMART 2020 goal,", said in a statement. "But the lessons learnt are very useful," Webb added. The Smart2020 report had found that companies joining in partnerships with other enterprises or NGOs achieve greater successes than companies working alone. It was also revealed by the Smart2020 report that products are focused on a narrow niche or single area rather than offering end-to-end solutions, and also that companies should optimize the energy savings on offer from their products, and use the financial savings to encourage that change to promote widespread behavioral change on the part of individuals,It has been urged that policy makers need to adopt a price for carbon and must also lower policy barriers to cooperations.

Recommendations in the report said that it has become imperative that smart solutions should scale up to climate problems. Development of a smart grid that links the generation and transmission of energy to its end use in offices and homes apart, the spread of technologies have been mooted. 

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