Thursday, December 10, 2009

London to Boast Energy Giving Datacenter

As energy costs seesaw wildly and public concern over the environment grows, data centres have landed in the corporate cross hairs.

How ironical is it, that landed under pressure governments and enterprises are realigning their priorities to give back what they had been using to the people.East London will now seea green data center by next year that will use energy/heat given off by racks of servers to power residential and business properties in the surrounding area.

This construction will also be capturing waste heat for re-use. With carbon dioxide levels increasing at an alarming rate, this endeavour will start off what is called as" giving back to the environment". To read more of the report click here.

With the Copenhagen summit in full flow and countries playing hard on their visions to reduce global warmimg, the U.K. Government will see this card as a feather to the crown.

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